Man is happier for having a home he can call his own, a haven for his tired soul, and his refuge against the world’s cruelty. Mention HOME and you get a picture of a happy family because the members feel secure and protected.
Every individual is distinct in his characteristics. For this reason, many social problems arise. Sometimes the problem of personal welfare of an individual runs to those of the rest of the family as a group.

To make life pleasant and home attractive, there is a need for educating its members. A couple should realize that as the years go by, their family will grow in number and the means of livelihood of its members must be provided for by the father and the mother. Mutual respect for one another and understanding the likes and dislikes of the members promote harmony in the home.
Economic cooperation is very necessary in the life of a family. It is the duty of the father to provide the means of support for the members; the mother must look after the housekeeping and care of the children. Even young children are assigned duties suitable to their physical condition and ages. It was also a responsibility of the family not only to provide permanent home for the young members but also to give them recreational facilities.
We can clearly see, therefore, that the biological, economic and social factors are necessary in the organization of a family.
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